The biggest advantages of our business models are two types of diversity, “DIVERSITY OF DOMAIN” and “DIVERSITY OF BUSINESS SCALE”.
“Fashion is not only about making clothes, but culture.” is what we have believed in, and we have been aggressively expanding its scope of activities beyond its core competency of fashion such as food-related, music and golf range entertainment businesses.
The businesses we handle are not categorized their sizes, which means you may find our shops or work in anywhere but some of them are not be recognized easily. It seems they are nothing in common but technically everything started from one place with one vision.
Our new target is “Vision FFF” which composed of three Fs. They are “Fashion” “Food” and “Fitness”, what we focus on is to think out-of-the-box and expand the range of business fiends. The main purpose of this project is to combine three important elements together and output to consumers as additional value to meet their need. Especially we see great possibilities in food business which we are putting effort into the most. Furthermore, we opened a new women's martial arts-based fitness studio “B.I.F BY NERGY” and we have continued developing our businesses with our brand-new ideas.
Our Mission is to be the innovators to help people creating their live in social, and inspire our customers to bring new perspective to their lifestyles. All our businesses are strongly connected based on our theory. We hope we can be a part of their life to help finding better lifestyles.
- We started running new businesses and opened stores and studios such as women's martial arts-based fitness studio “B.I.F BY NERGY” and food proposal service “EATART STUDIO”. These new types of businesses were not started to make pieces of puzzles we were in luck of, but with our enthusiasm of what we were keen to and passion that we wanted to make people happy with better products. “Saturdays NYC” is also one of brands we fell in love with and we wanted to expand this brand in Japan retail market, therefore we started joining the U.S fashion industry. We pay very close attention to the creators, offer a full range of services for creating, optimizing and promoting with famous actors and models like Hiroshi Fujiwara and Rinka to make our brands becoming so well-known globally.
One thing in common throughout all businesses we handle is “True Craftsmanship”. “We have a fine winery because making the best wine for wine lovers gives us so much excitement and joy.” “True Craftsmanship” is what we believe in any business fields.
We have “ROPÉ PICNIC” and ”ViS” which are retail franchise shops at train terminal buildings and shopping malls, a boutique with a tree in patio called “BIOTOP” and “THE PARK-ING GINZA”, a pop-up shop at parking area. These shops are highly-rated and each shop is unique.
Possibility is unlimited in our work, so we can run any types of shops regardless their sizes. Every one of us is “The owner” and putting all skills and knowledge together is our advantage and the key to success running franchising without losing the brand identity.
“Expanding the scale of business” and “Increasing sales and profit” are our important goals but also how much the project can make great impact on people and if our staff is highly motivated about work are also important for us.